Friday, June 17, 2011

News from Stephen Greek at Sam's Place

Things are going well here in Kenya.  We had a fantastic KDPL (Kenya Deaf Prayer and Learning; they named it themselves) seminar.  There were 200 deaf people registered.  If there was a problem, it was that we had planned food and bedding for 100 people, then we wondered if any would come at all because some of the deaf in Kisii never got an invitation.  There was speculation that invitations were not sent out.  In reality, Otieno only sent them to people who would not hear through local correspondence.  He was trying to save on postage so he did not send the invitation to local people.  But lots of invitations went through texting and email so we had a record turnout of 204....  with the staff and kids, it was 267.  As a side note, it was the loudest deaf assembly I ever heard, but they didn't seem to mind the noise.  Claudia, Kenny, and Alice had an amazing class for the women, and Carl and I felt very good about the men's classes.  The whole group sessions were very well received.  The four college students, Mitchell, Bonnie, Ashley, and Savannah, had classes, games and activities for the 30 deaf kids and the hearing children of the attendees.  Registration was a full time job for Kim, Sharon, and Julie.  Sunday worship was beautiful and culminated in a walk to the nearby stream where 7 men and women were baptized.  Everyone worked very hard and it was a "resounding" success.

We are going to visit Charles and Pamela Otieno this evening.  I am very excited that Alice, Carl, and Kenny are going to join Claudia and me on this visit.  Carl and Kenny are both deaf and Alice has known Otieno and Pamela for many years. tomorrow, we will all go to visit the people at Gift Academy, next door to Sam's Place.  Wednesday, we are all going to Kuja School for the Deaf to greet them and talk about future cooperation.  Thursday, the schedule has us visiting Lances school and orphanage for deaf children near Kisii.  On each of these days this week, there are other activities at Sam's Place that are ongoing with the teachers that are working with the kids,  so days are long and hard.

I'll let you know more later, but I need to get our little visitation group ready to go.  We love and miss you, and I suspect we will find more time to email now that KDPL is behind us.


S and C

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